Обновлено 13.05.2010
Автор: Administrator
Юрий Вульф
Универсальное распределение скоростей эволюции белков как следствие физики сворачивания белка
Четверг, 20 мая 2010, 18.00
Институт молекулярной биологии (Вавилова, 32), к. 309.
Юрий Вульф
Universal distribution of protein evolution rates as a consequence of protein folding physics
We explore the connection between folding robustness and the evolution rate of proteins using a coarse-grained off-lattice model. The distribution of the logarithm of the evolution rates across distinct "folds" exhibits a peak with a long tail on the low rate side and resembles the universal empirical distribution of the evolutionary rates. The results suggest that the universal distribution of the evolutionary rates of protein-coding genes is a direct consequence of the basic principles of protein folding physics.