Московский семинар по биоинформатике - 13 марта 2014

Четверг, 13 марта 2014, 18.00
МГУ, лаб. корпус Б (факультет биоинженерии и биоинформатики), к. 221.

Инна Дубчак
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Visualization of genomic data: results, challenges, and open questions

As our ability to generate huge amounts of sequencing data continues to increase, data analysis is becoming the rate-limiting step in genomics studies. Visualization tools facilitate analysis tasks by enabling researchers to explore, interpret and manipulate their data. There are a number of graphical methods designed for the analysis of de novo sequencing assemblies and read alignments, genome browsing, comparative genomics, etc. All available visualization tools have their strengths and limitations.
We will highlight new challenges in visualization that are not only a consequence of the sheer volume and complexity of genomic data, but also its increasing utility outside genomics research. Traditional genome visualization approaches do not meet the needs of emerging fields such as medical genomics and metagenomics, and new paradigms are needed. Clinicians require efficient presentation of critical information in order to form a diagnosis, and biobanks and population studies produce detailed phenotype descriptions too complex to represent as a heat map or other form of tabular visualization. These data can reveal the effect of spatial and environmental factors on population and ecosystem structure, but interactive, extensible, easy to use tools must be provided to enable their analysis and exploration.